Wanted ads
Creating a project
What is Band on the web all about?

BandontheWeb.com (in short BotW) in a fully browser based service for finding musicians for bands and bands for musicians. The special characteristics is that bands can make wanted ads with background tracks and candidate musicians can record their sample tracks on top of background tracks. Band members have access to the project and are able to evaluate the musicians suitability (and ability) to the band. It is also possible that a free musician can post an ad with a suitable sample of his/her playing.

Another feature is project page where users can create music together by recording individual tracks. More about that in Creating a project -tab.

How can I find bands or musicians?

The best way to find a band or musician is to create a wanted ad where you can record a music sample and information about you. You can also find wanted ads with search. Reply them, add your playing sample and wait for their response.

Band on the Web service also tries to find good candidates for you. That means you only need to register and provide needed information such as location and instrument you are playing. The service will automatically list suitable bands for you. Note that by giving the full information the search will be more accurate.

What's beta?

When software in the beta phase it will generally have more bugs in it than completed software. There can be things that should be done differently or have some issues in performance etc. We are doing the service for you. When you have an issue please don't hesitate to contact us. Issue can be a difficulty to use, error situation or whatever problem you might encounter. Please send us an email to info@netsono.com. Your feedback is important for us.

What is the Projects section?

In the Projects section you can listen to other users public BotW projects. There are also top rated users and bands. If you want to search more accurately you can use search.

What are those adverts on right hand side?

We will promote various things there. There can be a competitions or content you might be interested of. And yeah, there are some commercial stuff also, but unfortunately we have to pay our server bills somehow.

What is the Wanted section?

In the wanted section you can connect with other musicians. You can either look for a band to join or search for a new member for your band.

What are the wanted ads and how do they work?

You can leave a wanted ad with your information. If you are looking for a band, you can give information about yourself and sample of your playing skills. If you are looking for a musician you can give information about your band and background track so that applicants can play along and record their sample.

Do I have to pay to make a wanted ad?

Leaving a wanted ad is completely free.

How many ads can I leave?

You can have one band ad and one personal ad active at a time. All inactive ads will be archived so that you can use them later if you want.

How can I respond to an ad.

Basically you need to fill all needed info fields and record or upload your sample track if that's needed. Hopefully wanted ad creator has specified what he or she expects from applicants. Read the instructions carefully.

What are the projects?

Project can be think as a song. It's a placeholder for of audio tracks. You can add tracks or remove them. You can share it with your band or make it public for everyone to see. Project page is an open canvas where you can start to create music, track by track.

What can I do in project-page?

You can create music with yourself or with your friends. For example you can add tracks (drums, guitars...), remove them, chat with the people you have shared the project and describe your project. You don't need to be in a same room with your friends in order to work together. Just play your tracks, your friends can be on the other side of the world and he or she can still add their tracks to the very same project.

What are tracks?

Project consists certain amount of tracks. A track can be a recorded or uploaded audio file. OGG, WAV and MP3 are the supported file formats. Tracks can be recorded with your browser and microphone or imported from your computer files. You can also use or previously created tracks to other projects, but the track can be assigned to one project at the time. You can also add one Youtube link to your project but note that it can only be used as a temporary backing track. So once you've done your magic with the Youtube track, we highly suggest you to mute it and work with the recorded material.

How can I record an audio track?

Before recording you should check your latency on top of the project-page. More information about latency check on next topic.

In order to record sound, you must have a microphone connected to your computer. Headset microphones and laptop microphones do work but the quality of sound isn't too good, so external microphone is the best choice. Then click "Record" -button or the red dotted record button on the bottom left of the platform. You can add name for your track if you want and when you're ready, click record -button from bottom left of the project-page. To stop recording, click Stop- or Record-button.

As you record there should be little red bar under track name. If everything is working the red bar should indicate that. If nothing happens there a few things that could be wrong
- Remember to allow browser to access your microphone (top of the browser window)
- There's something wrong with microphone and your computer. Make sure that microphone works and try again.

Latency check? What?

“Latency is a time interval between the stimulation and response, or, from a more general point of view, as a time delay between the cause and the effect of some physical change in the system being observed.”

Nice definition, eh? Basically if you record audio track on top of some other track, your recording is out of sync if latency is not checked. Every audio card has latency. Browser and computers work differently and it creates latency. With our latency check you can synchronize recording to overcome this. This is important when you play several tracks and add them to your project. If you haven't synchronized your recordings it's impossible to get tracks to sound at the same time.

Enable your speakers so you can hear sound from them. Then enable your microphone so that it can record our latency click -sound. and finally press Latency button and you're set.

Why my Youtube track isn't playing correctly with my other tracks?

Unfortunately the latency doesn't affect Youtube tracks because the platform has to fetch the song from Youtube's server and it causes more latency than the tracks that are held on our servers. That's why we suggest you to play one the most important part with the Youtube video so you'll have some base for your song and then remove the Youtube video and build your song without it.

Where do my projects go?

Projects are saved to Band on the Web database. When you add tracks to your project (record or from your computer) you need to upload them to the service. Projects are private by default so that only you can see your projects and tracks unless you change privacy settings. You can share your project to your band and/or make it public so that everyone can find it with search. They can't change it, but they can listen it.

How can I manage my project?

There is an edit -button on project-page where you can access project settings. There you can change project information, change privacy settings or delete the project. Same edit button can be also found from personal page under each project.

How can I change my personal information?

Go to settings on the menu top right corner of the navigation bar.

Your name (or username) is unique name and with that you're indentified to other users. But notice that you will log in the BotW with your email and not with your username.
When you change your email, you will be using that email to access to BotW in the future. You also have to confirm that new email by clicking our confirmation email which is sent to your new email address.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters with 1 capital letter, 1 number, and one special character.

How large can my profile picture be?

Picture sizes doesn't matter that much. Different thing is what they will look in reality. Choose big picture for your band pages background and smaller ones for profile pictures.

How can I change band information?

Go to band settings on the menu top right corner of the navigation bar.

If you have several bands choose the band you're editing from a dropdown box.